September 20, 2008
September 11, 2008
September 10, 2008
September 9, 2008
English Professor Michael Keefer & Theology Professor Graeme MacQueen v. Journalist Jeff Flanders and Blogger John Ray
The Physical Evidence:
September 8, 2008
W.A.C. NY v. Joe Biden
As you can see this is 1/2 confrontation and 1/2 9-11 documentary, so prepare your stomach. If you need medicine for this upset stomach, read what has to say about this particular "complicated" claim.
August 26, 2008
August 25, 2008
August 21, 2008
August 19, 2008
PSA Flight 1771: Eerily Similar to Shanksville
A video by Walter Ego. Commentary by video's producer below.
Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 was a commercial flight that crashed in San Luis Obispo County, California, on December 7, 1987. All 43 people on board the aircraft died, including the man who caused the crash, a disgruntled former employee of USAir, the parent company of PSA.
The cash site was eerily similar to the Shanksville, Pennsylvania, crash site of United Airlines Flight 93 on 9/11/2001. Like Flight 93, PSA 1771 crashed at high speed after a steep dive leaving an impact crater in the ground and the plane disintegrated in small pieces scattering light weight debris (including vital clues to the cause of the crash) up to eight miles from the crash site.
First responder Detective Bill Wammock of the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office from the video: “Nothing that resembled an airliner... we went on for hours, before we heard the news reports of a missing airliner, believing that we were dealing with a small airplane full of newspapers that had crashed. We saw no pieces of the aircraft that were larger than, maybe, a human hand. It did not look like a passenger aircraft.”
July 22, 2008
Web Evidence
The Directory wants to bring you the truth about 9/11 conspiracies without having you to jump from site-to-site to find it. In this section, we highlight some prominent researchers in the debunking community who take complicated and detailed studies and simplify them for the lay-man to understand. Currently, we have been granted permission to host the research of two exceptional researchers. For more information about these researchers, please check out The Debunking Directory's site credits.
Click on a researcher's name for The Directory's compilation of their research
Mike Williams Links and Studies

The following material has been compiled from the excellent research at The author of this material is Mike Williams--a freelance writer from the United Kingdom. Though a new has been promised for quite sometime, these are the links posted as of Summer '08.
Who were the hijackers? Did those named by the FBI really carry out the attacks?
For many people, the most suspicious area of 9/11 is the way many people seemed to know about it in advance, and yet reportedly all these warnings were ignored. Or even deliberately buried. Is this proof that the US Government wanted the attacks to take place? Let’s take a closer look.
According to the official story, fighters failed to intercept any of the hijacked jets on 9/11. Is this really plausible? Many conspiracy sites say no, but the information they use to support this isn’t always reliable.
WTC (demolition)
Some people say the WTC couldn’t have collapsed the way it did from fire damage alone, that there’s convincing evidence the towers were brought down in a controlled demolition, and that steps were taken to obstruct any later investigations. But do these claims stand up to scrutiny?
WTC (other)
WTC7 & Silverstein
Why did Building 7 in the World Trade Centre collapse? Did Larry Silverstein make huge profits from the attacks, and was it really all some huge insurance fraud?
Central to many conspiracy claims is the idea that American Airlines Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon on 9/11. Does this stand up to scrutiny?
Flight 93
Was Flight 93 really downed in a brave rearguard action by the passengers? Or was it actually shot down, and the evidence then covered up?
bin Laden
Has bin Ladin accepted responsibility for the 9/11 attacks? And does al Qaeda even exist?
Obstruction of Justice
It's claimed that not only did the US Government ignore indications of the terrorist plot before 9/11, they actively suppressed the warnings that appeared. And then worked to thwart the investigations after the attacks, too.
Was the Afghan war about fighting terrorism, or something else?
July 21, 2008
Flight 93 Radio Transmission
Commentary from United Airlines Flight 93 was hijacked on September 11, 2001 near Cleveland, Ohio. The aircraft crashed some time later in a field in south-western Pennsylvania. The hijackers can be heard twice mistakenly transmitting messages intended for the passengers over the Cleveland ARTCC frequency. Please note that this tape is not chronologically accurate; periods of dead air (silence) have been removed for brevity. [Emphasis added]
July 18, 2008
Mark Roberts Links and Studies

Photo by: Scott Hurst
Below is a directory of the scrupulous research by NYC resident and tour guide Mark Roberts. Mark is frequently credited on this site and praised for his research and his unrelenting pursuit of the facts. His website is below is a directory of links that will direct you to his research.
_______________________________________________________The 9/11 Terrorists, Confessions, al Qaeda & Jihadist History & Ideology
Admissions of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, martyrdom videos
- The International Response
- U.S.Government & Intelligence Publications
- Al Qaeda History and Ideology
- Osama bin Laden
- The Other 9/11 Terrorists
- "Lying for Islam"
- Moussaoui Trial
- Other 9/11-Related Terrorism Subjects
- General Terrorism Resources
- Books and Video
- Related
- The 9/11 Commission Report
- General 9/11 Research Aids
- Books and videos: General 9/11 Studies, Journalism, Media coverage
- WTC7 Interim Reports
- NIST Final Reports on WTC 1 & 2
- WTC collapse papers with Zdenek Bazant as lead author
- Other explanations of the tower collapses
- Why didn't the towers, or the upper portions of them, topple over?
- Explanations of NIST's Investigation Methods
- NIST's Recommendations, and the Architectural and Engineering Community's Response
- Twin Towers' Structural Engineers on the Record
- Gene Corley on FEMA/ASCE investigation lessons
- Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl's WTC collapse investigations
- Investigations involving extensive computer modeling of the towers
- More on WTC engineering, articles by and about engineerswho worked on the buildings and on the investigations
- Others write about sensibly about the collapses
- WTC Twin Tower Construction Details Pertinent to Engineering Investigations
- Some Progressive Collapse Studies & Recommendations some Engineering & physics fundamentals & calculation aids
Fire Safety Engineering & the Performance of Structural Steel in Fires
- A few examples of structural steel failing in building fires
- NIST and FEMA Experiments, Studies, and Report
- Some comments on Fire Testing and Modeling in the NIST WTC 1&2 repor
- Building Code Changes and Recommendations Resulting from WTC Collapse
- Papers and articles about fire vs. structural steel, specific to the WTC
- Skyscraper fire protection in practice after 9/11, innovations, proposals
- Increasing use of concrete in skyscrapers
- Fire engineering history, general publication
- Links to several fire studies from Peter, an architect with experience in designing high-rises
- Miscellaneous related links
- The collapses, truther denial, Graeme MacQueen's "118 witnesses" paper
- Lessons not learned
- The North Tower
- NYPD Aviation Reports
- Inside the North Tower
- Outside
- South Tower
- Some knowledgeable onlookers who expected the towers to fall
- Flight 77 lost to radar
- Witness accounts of the attack, many saw airliner hit building
- First responders and rescue efforts
- Human remains recovery and identification
Page 2
- Flight 77 FDR analysis
Computer simulations - Moussaoui trial flight 77 summary: phone calls
- Flight 77 wreckage and parts identification
- Rumors of incoming planes, "twenty miles out"
Norman Mineta's testimony - Pentagon damage assessments and stabilization
- Photo and video resourcesA missile hit the Pentagon?
- Antiaircraft defenses?
- Pentagon construction info and post-9/11 reconstruction
- Other sites with good debunking of 9/11 Pentagon myths
- Evidence summary
- Phone calls from passengers and crew
- Eyewitnesses to Flight 93's final moments
- First responders & investigating agencies on the scene
- Victim and personal effects identification,
- Coroner Miller's accounts
- Memorial
- Flight 93-related journalism and movies
Page 2
- NORAD & ATC recordings
- Flight data recorder readouts before impact
- Cockpit voice recorder transcript
- Autopilot study
- Crater size and debris field
- Comparison crash scenes
- Aircraft parts collection
- Hijackers and identification
Page 3
More photos
...Or as the conspiracists would say, the "Liars, dupes, and shills" list.
- Richard Gage
- David Ray Griffin
- Software Engineer Jim Hoffman
- Physicist Steven E. Jones
- Physicist Heikki Kurttila
- Mathemetician Kenneth Kuttler
- Mechanical Engineer Gordon Ross
- Chemist Kevin Ryan
- Torin Wolf
- AA Flight 11 Approach
- AA flight 11 Impact
- UA Flight 175 Impact
- Photos
- Eyewitness Accounts
- Personal Effects and Documents from Flights 11 and 175 Recovered
- WTC Seismic Data & Analysis
- Controlled demolition info and why the WTC buildings weren't CDs
- Other skyscraper fires used as WTC comparisons by conspiracists
- 1993 World Trade Center Bombing
- Flight 93
- The Pentagon
- Hijacker Identification & DNA
- WTC: How many missing? How many dead?
- WTC Recovery Issues
- Books
- Ground Zero: The Search Continues, 2006-2007
- Communications issues remain post-9/11
- Books – FDNY
- Other First Responder Accounts & Issues
- Other responders, corporate aid
- Environmental Testing
- EPA and other Government Response
- Private / Citizen Response
- Use of Asbestos in the World Trade Center
- Estimates of dust volume, energy of tower collapses
- Other lower Manhattan cleanup issues
- Respirator use at Ground Zero
- Relief efforts, Family aid, charities & monetary donations
- Books
- WTC Memorial Design, Controversy
- Other 9/11 Memorials
- Exhibits, Artifacts in Storage
- World Trade Center Construction, Facts & Figures
- Site overview and Architectural Plans
- Core Construction, Elevator Shafts
- WTC Underground
- WTC Security
- WTC Photos Pre-9/11
- WTC Tenants
Terrorism Insurance Issues
- Books
- Video
- Websites, Articles
- New WTC 7
- Freedom Tower
- 9/11 Photo Books
- General/Unsorted 9/11 Photo Collections
- WTC Photos
- WTC Aircraft Wreckage
- Moussaoui Trial Prosecution Exhibits
- Video & TV Programs
- WTC7 Videos
July 13, 2008
On Point: ABC's of 9/11 skeptics,2777,DRMN_23972_4957231,00.html
Vincent Carrol, Rocky Mountain News
Vincent Carrol, Rocky Mountain News
July 12, 2008
Truthers v. Opie & Anthony
!Warning: Mature Language!
Hat Tip: Yet another YouTube playlist compiled by Walter Ego
Schock Jocks Opie & Anthony engage 9-11 truthers outside their studio in NYC.
Hat Tip: Yet another YouTube playlist compiled by Walter Ego
July 9, 2008
July 8, 2008
Links regarding tonight's debate
The Project for a New American Century fallacy
"It sound like an explosion!" Explosion ≠ Bombs
The organizations and individuals 'in on it'.
Molten Metal/Steel (also see below)
Refutation of Steven E. Jones thermite claims
Barry Jennings (Last man out of WTC7) said his words were manipulated and taken out of context by Loose Change boys. (Not a big surprise!)
Flight 77 & Phone calls
Excel Spreadsheet of witnesses of Pentagon crash
"The Hole is too small!" & "What happened to the wings?!"
"Passenger calls were impossible from that altitutde" (Link to evidence from the trial of Zacarias Moussoui)
The Project for a New American Century fallacy
"It sound like an explosion!" Explosion ≠ Bombs
The organizations and individuals 'in on it'.
Molten Metal/Steel (also see below)
Refutation of Steven E. Jones thermite claims
Barry Jennings (Last man out of WTC7) said his words were manipulated and taken out of context by Loose Change boys. (Not a big surprise!)
Flight 77 & Phone calls
Excel Spreadsheet of witnesses of Pentagon crash
"The Hole is too small!" & "What happened to the wings?!"
"Passenger calls were impossible from that altitutde" (Link to evidence from the trial of Zacarias Moussoui)
WBCR Radio Show
Good evening, and welcome to my pre-launched website!
I want to thank you for stopping in to further research the claims and arguments that I made during this evening's debate. While many Truthers write books and papers that are littered with footnotes and citations, it doesn't take long to see that they are in fact citing each other! It really is quite extraordinary! However, I encourage you to look over my researched material and to keep my accountable for what is says.
I want to thank you for stopping in to further research the claims and arguments that I made during this evening's debate. While many Truthers write books and papers that are littered with footnotes and citations, it doesn't take long to see that they are in fact citing each other! It really is quite extraordinary! However, I encourage you to look over my researched material and to keep my accountable for what is says.
July 6, 2008
July 5, 2008
July 2, 2008
Zachary Wick's WTC CD?
Another great resource hosted at
Zachary Wick (
WTC CD? - How likely is it that the explosives necessary to carry out a controlled demolition could survive the conditions at the WTC in general, and building 7 in particular? Zachary Wick takes a detailed look at the various options.
8 pages, No .pdf, no specified release date.
Zachary Wick (
WTC CD? - How likely is it that the explosives necessary to carry out a controlled demolition could survive the conditions at the WTC in general, and building 7 in particular? Zachary Wick takes a detailed look at the various options.
8 pages, No .pdf, no specified release date.
June 29, 2008
Unsecured Coins: The RFID Chip Edition
!Warning: Mature Language And Images!
No, this film has nothing to do with 9/11 debunking with the exception that Unsecured Coins is a debunker (or, at least, a Truther antagonist) and this is probably the quintessential example of Alex and Bermas' Keystone Cop investigative journalism.
No, this film has nothing to do with 9/11 debunking with the exception that Unsecured Coins is a debunker (or, at least, a Truther antagonist) and this is probably the quintessential example of Alex and Bermas' Keystone Cop investigative journalism.
June 25, 2008
This page is under construction!
Sorry, but evidently I haven't gotten around to this page or I haven't noticed a problem. To be sure, please e-mail me.
June 23, 2008
June 18, 2008
June 17, 2008
June 16, 2008
Mark Dice v. Michael Reagan
The threatening statements that Dice is referring to, points to the following soundbite:
The Michael Reagan Show for June 10, 2008.
June 15, 2008
June 12, 2008
June 10, 2008
June 7, 2008
National Geographic's Inside 9/11: Zero Hour
Another great resource from Walter Ego's 9/11 Video Blog.
It is a beautiful morning. Nathan Goldwasser is starting his usual day at work in the North Tower of the World Trade Center, as are Ed Nichols and Stanley Praimnath in the South Tower. Sheila Moody arrives at her office at the Pentagon. Meanwhile, the 19 terrorists are boarding planes in Boston, Newark and Dulles, Virginia. They monitor the flight crews, waiting for the right moment to execute their evil plan. At 8:14 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 is hijacked. Relive the last precious moments as flight attendants call their supervisors on the ground to report the murders of fellow crew members. Listen as they describe the scene on board. Then go back to the North Tower as Nathan Goldwasser hears an enormous explosion when American Airlines Flight 11 crashes just a few floors above him. The building sways. Listen as Ed Nichols watches the tragedy unfold at the North Tower from sky lobby on the 78th floor of the South Tower. Firefighters are dispatched to the scene. But this is not a case of fighting fire; this is a mission to save as many lives as possible. Evacuations begin in the North Tower, but, in the confusion, people in the South Tower don't know whether to leave the building or return to their desks. Stanley Praimnath makes it down to the ground lobby of the South Tower, only to be told by security that it is safe and he can return to his office. Then in what seems to be the blink of an eye, United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower. Praimnath sees the plane as it heads toward his office. There's no longer any doubt-this is an attack on America. "Zero Hour" then takes viewers to the Pentagon as Sheila Moody hears the roar of a plane rapidly descending. American Airlines Flight 77 hits the Pentagon and bursts into a ball of fire. A fourth hijacking is taking place on United Airlines Flight 93. Likely targets include the White House or the Capitol building. Listen as Lyz Glick retells how her husband Jeremy and three other men planned to overtake the hijackers. "Zero Hour" captures the horror and the heroism witnessed on September 11, 2001, and takes viewers into the last moments of those who died that day and the thousands of others who survived the tragedy
National Geographic's Inside 9/11: War on America
Another great resource from Walter Ego's 9/11 Video Blog.
"War on America" opens with the dramatic 1993 World Trade Center bombing and tracks terrorist activities aimed at U.S. targets throughout the 1990s leading up to the horrific morning of September 11, 2001. With each successful attack, terrorist networks become more emboldened. The organization and the legend of Osama bin Laden grow. Meet Osama bin Laden as a young Saudi businessman who arrives in Afghanistan to raise funds to help those hurt by the war. Follow this wealthy and privileged son of a self-made billionaire as he rises through the ranks of Islamic terrorist society and remakes himself into a mujahedeen warrior. Hear how bin Laden is schooled in the teachings of radical Palestinian leader Dr. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam as Azzam calls for violent jihad, or holy war, against all enemies of the Islamic state, including the United States, most Western nations and Israel. The extreme hatred for those outside the Islamic faith becomes the cornerstone of al Qaeda's ideology from the mid 1990s until today and is the basis of bin Laden's power. As terrorist activities and organizations continue to increase in power and strength, "War on America" charts the response of the U.S. intelligence community and details the efforts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Council, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and at least two U.S. presidents. Featured in the program are interviews with terrorism experts from the intelligence community, including former CIA and FBI agents who witnessed the growing threat. Listen as U.S. government whistleblower Bodgan Dzakovic recounts how he—as part of the FAA'S "Red Team"—was able to breach airport security almost 90% of the time with very little problem in the months prior to 9/11. Feel the frustration mount as bin Laden, time and time again, keeps a step ahead of U.S. intelligence efforts to capture him. With each new attack—the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the U.S.S. Cole—the numbers of dead and wounded grow. It becomes obvious that al Qaeda's goal is to stay under the radar, attack with small numbers and kill on a large scale. Follow the trail and review the evidence that led former CIA Director George Tenet to remark in hindsight, "The system was blinking red… [the danger] could not get any worse."
Cincinnati 9/11 Truth vs. Mike McConnell
For your everyday talk-radio host, this guy sure knows his stuff and is fully capable of holding his own in this three against one debate. Highly recommended!
June 6, 2008
June 3, 2008
May 24, 2008
Ryan Mackey's Debunking 9/11 Debunking
I have chosen to put this in the 'Debunking Guides' section because I believe that this is effectively "Debunking Debunking 9/11 Debunking" -- The Director
Another great resource hosted by
Ryan Mackey (
On Debunking 9/11 Debunking - “In this paper, we examine the claims of Dr. David Ray Griffin regarding the NIST investigation into the World Trade Center disasters, and find those claims to be unfounded. All 18 major claims are discussed and rigorously dismissed, and a further analysis of the text reveals an overwhelming density of factual and logical errors. This paper refutes Dr. Griffin’s major claims, supporting with evidence that the aircraft impacts were expected to significantly damage the structures, that the resulting fires were of both sufficient temperature and duration to cause structural collapse, that a progressive collapse resulting in total destruction of the Towers was the likely result, and that the “controlled demolition” hypothesis is speculative and unsupported by any evidence. We also discuss the anticipated NIST report on World Trade Center Seven. The author highlights the fundamental sources of errors present in Dr. Griffin’s research and provides a template to evaluate future claims using resources available in open literature”.
Another great resource hosted by
Ryan Mackey (
On Debunking 9/11 Debunking - “In this paper, we examine the claims of Dr. David Ray Griffin regarding the NIST investigation into the World Trade Center disasters, and find those claims to be unfounded. All 18 major claims are discussed and rigorously dismissed, and a further analysis of the text reveals an overwhelming density of factual and logical errors. This paper refutes Dr. Griffin’s major claims, supporting with evidence that the aircraft impacts were expected to significantly damage the structures, that the resulting fires were of both sufficient temperature and duration to cause structural collapse, that a progressive collapse resulting in total destruction of the Towers was the likely result, and that the “controlled demolition” hypothesis is speculative and unsupported by any evidence. We also discuss the anticipated NIST report on World Trade Center Seven. The author highlights the fundamental sources of errors present in Dr. Griffin’s research and provides a template to evaluate future claims using resources available in open literature”.
May 22, 2008
Authors of Firefight On NPR
Article, book excerpt, and Interview all located at link.
May 21, 2008
Jesse Ventura v. Howard Stern Radio Show
Howard Stern and his minions interview Jesse Ventura, which recently came out of the 'Truther closet' just in time for his new book.
Though this is barely a debate, Mr. Stern attempts to launch some good counters but then he just concedes as Jesse goes on his rants.
Though this is barely a debate, Mr. Stern attempts to launch some good counters but then he just concedes as Jesse goes on his rants.
May 19, 2008
Alex Jones' Stump Speech
Sometimes I believe poor Alex blurs the lines of his two passions--political activism and World Wrestling Entertainment.
May 18, 2008
April 29, 2008
April 28, 2008
April 26, 2008
April 24, 2008
Baker v. Wright
A two-part series, Ace Baker presents evidence that all the video of a plane hitting the South Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, was faked. Steve Wright, movie special-effects expert, shows how Baker's claims are false. Ronald Wieck hosts.
April 23, 2008
April 16, 2008
A Divided House
Screw Loose Change: "Dylan Avery posted this video of him, Steven Jones, and Richard Gage at Troofstock in San Diego, bizarrely thinking it would make him look good. It starts out with Jones going on with his thermite fetish, which he describes differently every time he mentions it. It gets most interesting about halfway through [at 14:00 mark] when the audience (what little there are, the place is mostly empty) starts turning on them. One guy starts screaming the middle of the aisle, 'Stop! Please, you are killing the left!' Before getting on his knees begging, and finally leaving. A couple of other audience members ask how such a complicated plot could be brought off, to which they get little answer other than 'Hey, we don't have the details, we are investigating'. It is worth watching just for that."
April 12, 2008
Talk-Radio Callers v. Pat Curly of Screw Loose Change
Another great resource from Walter Ego's 9/11 Video Blog.
Rob Breakenridge of CHQR 770AM radio in Calgary, Alberta, interviews Pat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog and takes phone calls from truthers. Five part You Tube playlist. The videos were put up by Calgary Truther James who is the first call in. The second caller is Nathan Moulton who spreads Troof by commandeering intercoms at Wal-Mart.
April 11, 2008
April 10, 2008
April 7, 2008
April 1, 2008
Steve Alten v. Mike McConnell
Remember when the Truthers believed that the best opportunity they had to bring their message of truth into the mainstream was by a fiction novel? Mike McConnell, the Cincinatti talk-radio host, goes up against the author of this novel.
March 28, 2008
March 27, 2008
March 13, 2008
WAC v. Larry Silverstein
You would think that New York Law School would invest in a security force. I particularly like how this video is edited to see a frustrated Silverstein. Completely typical of Truthers to infiltrate a NY Law School forum on business in lower Manhatten to pull something like this off...
February 27, 2008
February 26, 2008
WTC7 Discussion w/ Firefighter and Debunker
Arthur Scheuerman, retired Battalion Chief from the New York City Fire Department and author of 'Fire in the Skyscraper', talks about the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11, 2001. Arthur was there, and saw the terrible damage the building had sustained from falling debris, the huge prolonged fires, and made the professional decision that the building was probably going to collapse. The Fire Department decided to "pull" all personnel from the building and from the probable collapse zone, hundreds of feet in every direction, including evacuating other buildings of both firefighters and civilians. Mark Roberts, 9/11 researcher, also appears. Hosted by Ronald Wieck.
February 5, 2008
January 29, 2008
Skeptoid's World Trade Center 7: The Lies Come Tumbling Down
From Skeptoid: World Trade Center 7: The Lies Come Crashing Down (Skeptoid #85) - Was the collapse of 7 World Trade Center actually a controlled demolition?
January 25, 2008
Claim: The WTC Was Built To Withstand A 707, Thus It Is Suspicious That On 9/11 The Towers Couldn't Stand Against A Smaller Plane
January 20, 2008
January 18, 2008
January 16, 2008
January 15, 2008
January 8, 2008
WAC v. Tim Russert
Russert's reactions towards this verbal assault are those that he is remembered by. He walks away with dignity and he comments about the great country that we live in.
January 4, 2008
December 31, 2007
December 30, 2007
December 25, 2007
December 23, 2007
December 20, 2007
December 19, 2007
December 13, 2007
December 2, 2007
Claim: John Schroeder of FDNY's First-Hand Account Irrefutably Points To Secondary, Basement Explosions
November 26, 2007
November 23, 2007
November 21, 2007
November 20, 2007
November 14, 2007
November 12, 2007
November 8, 2007
November 2, 2007
Claim: Larry Silverstein--Twin Towers & WTC7 Lease Holder--Engaged In Suspicious Insurance Policy Before The Attack
November 1, 2007
September Clues Busted!
Note: This video guide does not cover the entire film, as the other video guides do. However more editions are being produced.
From the Video's Poster: Exposing the deception, insidious innuendo, misdirection and lies in the “September Clues” series of videos, which many scholars and others have mistaken for the truth about some of the events that happened on that terrible day: September 11, 2001. Hopefully, this video will make them realise that they have been deliberately mislead. (By the author of "WTC7 - This is an Orange") Content: Where necessary, some of the shots in this video have been enlarged, slowed down, or have had indicators or stop motion techniques applied to them. No other visual manipulations or additions have been made.
From the Video's Poster: Exposing the deception, insidious innuendo, misdirection and lies in the “September Clues” series of videos, which many scholars and others have mistaken for the truth about some of the events that happened on that terrible day: September 11, 2001. Hopefully, this video will make them realise that they have been deliberately mislead. (By the author of "WTC7 - This is an Orange") Content: Where necessary, some of the shots in this video have been enlarged, slowed down, or have had indicators or stop motion techniques applied to them. No other visual manipulations or additions have been made.
October 29, 2007
October 24, 2007
October 23, 2007
October 22, 2007
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