Photo by: Scott Hurst
Below is a directory of the scrupulous research by NYC resident and tour guide Mark Roberts. Mark is frequently credited on this site and praised for his research and his unrelenting pursuit of the facts. His website is http://wtc7lies.googlepages.com/ below is a directory of links that will direct you to his research.
_______________________________________________________The 9/11 Terrorists, Confessions, al Qaeda & Jihadist History & Ideology
Admissions of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, martyrdom videos
- The International Response
- U.S.Government & Intelligence Publications
- Al Qaeda History and Ideology
- Osama bin Laden
- The Other 9/11 Terrorists
- "Lying for Islam"
- Moussaoui Trial
- Other 9/11-Related Terrorism Subjects
- General Terrorism Resources
- Books and Video
- Related
- The 9/11 Commission Report
- General 9/11 Research Aids
- Books and videos: General 9/11 Studies, Journalism, Media coverage
- WTC7 Interim Reports
- NIST Final Reports on WTC 1 & 2
- WTC collapse papers with Zdenek Bazant as lead author
- Other explanations of the tower collapses
- Why didn't the towers, or the upper portions of them, topple over?
- Explanations of NIST's Investigation Methods
- NIST's Recommendations, and the Architectural and Engineering Community's Response
- Twin Towers' Structural Engineers on the Record
- Gene Corley on FEMA/ASCE investigation lessons
- Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl's WTC collapse investigations
- Investigations involving extensive computer modeling of the towers
- More on WTC engineering, articles by and about engineerswho worked on the buildings and on the investigations
- Others write about sensibly about the collapses
- WTC Twin Tower Construction Details Pertinent to Engineering Investigations
- Some Progressive Collapse Studies & Recommendations some Engineering & physics fundamentals & calculation aids
Fire Safety Engineering & the Performance of Structural Steel in Fires
- A few examples of structural steel failing in building fires
- NIST and FEMA Experiments, Studies, and Report
- Some comments on Fire Testing and Modeling in the NIST WTC 1&2 repor
- Building Code Changes and Recommendations Resulting from WTC Collapse
- Papers and articles about fire vs. structural steel, specific to the WTC
- Skyscraper fire protection in practice after 9/11, innovations, proposals
- Increasing use of concrete in skyscrapers
- Fire engineering history, general publication
- Links to several fire studies from Peter, an architect with experience in designing high-rises
- Miscellaneous related links
- The collapses, truther denial, Graeme MacQueen's "118 witnesses" paper
- Lessons not learned
- The North Tower
- NYPD Aviation Reports
- Inside the North Tower
- Outside
- South Tower
- Some knowledgeable onlookers who expected the towers to fall
- Flight 77 lost to radar
- Witness accounts of the attack, many saw airliner hit building
- First responders and rescue efforts
- Human remains recovery and identification
Page 2
- Flight 77 FDR analysis
Computer simulations - Moussaoui trial flight 77 summary: phone calls
- Flight 77 wreckage and parts identification
- Rumors of incoming planes, "twenty miles out"
Norman Mineta's testimony - Pentagon damage assessments and stabilization
- Photo and video resourcesA missile hit the Pentagon?
- Antiaircraft defenses?
- Pentagon construction info and post-9/11 reconstruction
- Other sites with good debunking of 9/11 Pentagon myths
- Evidence summary
- Phone calls from passengers and crew
- Eyewitnesses to Flight 93's final moments
- First responders & investigating agencies on the scene
- Victim and personal effects identification,
- Coroner Miller's accounts
- Memorial
- Flight 93-related journalism and movies
Page 2
- NORAD & ATC recordings
- Flight data recorder readouts before impact
- Cockpit voice recorder transcript
- Autopilot study
- Crater size and debris field
- Comparison crash scenes
- Aircraft parts collection
- Hijackers and identification
Page 3
More photos
...Or as the conspiracists would say, the "Liars, dupes, and shills" list.
- Richard Gage
- David Ray Griffin
- Software Engineer Jim Hoffman
- Physicist Steven E. Jones
- Physicist Heikki Kurttila
- Mathemetician Kenneth Kuttler
- Mechanical Engineer Gordon Ross
- Chemist Kevin Ryan
- Torin Wolf
- AA Flight 11 Approach
- AA flight 11 Impact
- UA Flight 175 Impact
- Photos
- Eyewitness Accounts
- Personal Effects and Documents from Flights 11 and 175 Recovered
- WTC Seismic Data & Analysis
- Controlled demolition info and why the WTC buildings weren't CDs
- Other skyscraper fires used as WTC comparisons by conspiracists
- 1993 World Trade Center Bombing
- Flight 93
- The Pentagon
- Hijacker Identification & DNA
- WTC: How many missing? How many dead?
- WTC Recovery Issues
- Books
- Ground Zero: The Search Continues, 2006-2007
- Communications issues remain post-9/11
- Books – FDNY
- Other First Responder Accounts & Issues
- Other responders, corporate aid
- Environmental Testing
- EPA and other Government Response
- Private / Citizen Response
- Use of Asbestos in the World Trade Center
- Estimates of dust volume, energy of tower collapses
- Other lower Manhattan cleanup issues
- Respirator use at Ground Zero
- Relief efforts, Family aid, charities & monetary donations
- Books
- WTC Memorial Design, Controversy
- Other 9/11 Memorials
- Exhibits, Artifacts in Storage
- World Trade Center Construction, Facts & Figures
- Site overview and Architectural Plans
- Core Construction, Elevator Shafts
- WTC Underground
- WTC Security
- WTC Photos Pre-9/11
- WTC Tenants
Terrorism Insurance Issues
- Books
- Video
- Websites, Articles
- New WTC 7
- Freedom Tower
- 9/11 Photo Books
- General/Unsorted 9/11 Photo Collections
- WTC Photos
- WTC Aircraft Wreckage
- Moussaoui Trial Prosecution Exhibits
- Video & TV Programs
- WTC7 Videos