April 16, 2008

A Divided House

Screw Loose Change: "Dylan Avery posted this video of him, Steven Jones, and Richard Gage at Troofstock in San Diego, bizarrely thinking it would make him look good. It starts out with Jones going on with his thermite fetish, which he describes differently every time he mentions it. It gets most interesting about halfway through [at 14:00 mark] when the audience (what little there are, the place is mostly empty) starts turning on them. One guy starts screaming the middle of the aisle, 'Stop! Please, you are killing the left!' Before getting on his knees begging, and finally leaving. A couple of other audience members ask how such a complicated plot could be brought off, to which they get little answer other than 'Hey, we don't have the details, we are investigating'. It is worth watching just for that."