The following material has been compiled from the excellent research at 911myths.com. The author of this material is Mike Williams--a freelance writer from the United Kingdom. Though a new 911myths.com has been promised for quite sometime, these are the links posted as of Summer '08.
Who were the hijackers? Did those named by the FBI really carry out the attacks?
For many people, the most suspicious area of 9/11 is the way many people seemed to know about it in advance, and yet reportedly all these warnings were ignored. Or even deliberately buried. Is this proof that the US Government wanted the attacks to take place? Let’s take a closer look.
According to the official story, fighters failed to intercept any of the hijacked jets on 9/11. Is this really plausible? Many conspiracy sites say no, but the information they use to support this isn’t always reliable.
WTC (demolition)
Some people say the WTC couldn’t have collapsed the way it did from fire damage alone, that there’s convincing evidence the towers were brought down in a controlled demolition, and that steps were taken to obstruct any later investigations. But do these claims stand up to scrutiny?
WTC (other)
WTC7 & Silverstein
Why did Building 7 in the World Trade Centre collapse? Did Larry Silverstein make huge profits from the attacks, and was it really all some huge insurance fraud?
Central to many conspiracy claims is the idea that American Airlines Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon on 9/11. Does this stand up to scrutiny?
Flight 93
Was Flight 93 really downed in a brave rearguard action by the passengers? Or was it actually shot down, and the evidence then covered up?
bin Laden
Has bin Ladin accepted responsibility for the 9/11 attacks? And does al Qaeda even exist?
Obstruction of Justice
It's claimed that not only did the US Government ignore indications of the terrorist plot before 9/11, they actively suppressed the warnings that appeared. And then worked to thwart the investigations after the attacks, too.
Was the Afghan war about fighting terrorism, or something else?